Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Imagine 8 American/Australian InterPlayers and 8 Indian InterPlayers dancing on the bridge of the soul.

Imagine performing InterPlay Bollywood style with no rehearsal/a translator/and a bishop in tow.

Imagine following tribal people who wash our hands and dance us in procession up a hill to a chapel where we are invited inside to join the spiral dance.

Imagine us dancing and singing on behalf of 40 people afflicted with leprosy in a clinic.

Imagine taking tea in the home of a Muslim social worker.

Imagine us crying, laughing, loving, and stuggling with our sensory overload.

Imagine flowers and smog, gorgeous saris and an insanity of rickshaws doing the most intense Disneyland walk stop and run of your life.

Imagine Oosha, a woman with polio who can out distance you with one leg and a stick, who sings, and drums, like everyone here, who greets you...and knows your heart.

Imagine much crazy InterPlay with villagers that opens into answering their question about Native people in America.

Imagine InterPlayers, cracked pots that we are, making friends with people quickly, easily, and magically. Imagine our ability to hold and caress each other when it feels like too much.
Imagine this times 1000 and you are getting close to our experience.

Namaste, Namaste
1000 ways to InterPlay
Namaste, Namaste
We bow to you this day.

That is our greeting song.

Keep us in your prayers....Wheeeeeeee.

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